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Генерировать текст по шаблону

На вход принимает список файлов и список текстовых переменных и по заданному шаблону формирует ...

Generate text from a template

It takes a list of files and a list of text variables as input and generates the output text ac...

Short description

The concept of automation is based on drawing up a plan of actions that will be carried out seque...

Краткое описание

Концепция автоматизации основывается на составлении плана действий, которые будут выполнены после...

Поиск файлов

Ищет файлы по заданной маске в выбранных папка. Возвращает список найденных файлов. При включён...

File Search

Searches for files by specified mask in selected folders. Returns the list of found files. If ‘...

Upload to the file exchanges

The automation uses the normal file upload function, so all the options available on the ‘upload’...

Remove files

Input: Files It just deletes the files.

Move to another folder

Input: files Destination folder Options: Rename the copied file if there is already a fil...

Bulk file renaming

Input: files The profile is selected from Bulk file renaming Output: Files -> renamed file...

Unpack to folder

On entry: files folder where the files should be unpacked Options: Delete archives af...

Unpack archive

On entry: files Options: Delete archives after unpacking  Extract to the folder wit...

Упаковать в ZIP архив

На вход: файлы Выбирается профиль ZIP архиватора На выходе: Файлы -> ZIP Архив

Pack into a ZIP archive

On entry: files ZIP archiver profile is selected On output: Files -> ZIP Archive

Pack into a RAR archive

On entry: files RAR archiver profile is selected On output: Files -> RAR whole archivesFiles ...

Change MD5

On entry: files A random byte will be added to the end of the file

Calculate MD5

On entry: files On output: Text -> MD5 hash string

Mediainfo template

On input: Files Select profile for Mediainfo On exit: Text -> video information received b...

Multimedia converter

On entry: files The profile is selected Multimedia converter On exit: Files -> Converted m...

Create screenshots/screenlist

On entry: files Selects a profile Screenshot/Screenlist Generator Output: Files -> RAR who...